MAJOR catch up y'all !!
OK, my first Christmas rocked!!! I had a private show in Houston @ Meme's house it was a cool little venue with a lot of decor and lights. The coolest thing was this snowman and dog that sang and barked Jingle Bells! They were real cool to party with.
WOWWWW! What a night this was!!!!!!
Here is a shot of me clownin' after a little too much sauce!
I don't even know what show this was or what city. I do know that I was partyin' hard.
Sometimes this winter there was good weather. Here is me and one of my "Roadies", I think her name is Mom, hangin' out at the park in CP. ( that's Cedar Park if you're not hip.) Man, I was so hangin' that day!
Here I am practicing new words at breakfast. I'm saying UH OOOOOH. (Check out the bed head!)
Man, i love me some Cheerios and apple juice.
ONE YEAR OLD Y'ALL! Thanks to all of you who came out on the road to celebrate with me.
Here is me on my Birthday Throne gettin' ready to trash the place.
I am totally wreckin' this cake !!!!
That was really fun! I had an awesome audience that day. Thanks to everyone @ the show.
I got a CRAZY Tickle Me Elmo (we are cool now) from Pad and Chaddy, a lot of books from Meme and Aunt Linda, a big bag of blocks from Pop Pop, Keely gave me a cool outfit that i'll be wearin' on stage soon, Linda also gave me cool stuff to grub with.
Check out my new Hot Rod!
This baby will run! She's flat black w/ pink scallops and sweet pinstripes. Look out George Milner your Deuce Coupe is goin' down.
And for my encore!!!!!!!!!! Check it out! I AM WALKIN' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOO HOOOO!!!!!!
That's me cruisin' to
my Aunt Patty! She is
the President of my
fan club.
That's all y'all. Check ya later. I promise that it WILL NOT BE this long in between updates!
It was way too hard to do all of this on the computer while entertaining all of my company.
Munchy Out.