sorry for the delay guys! man. i'm going to lose my loyal following if i can't keep y'all up to date. so anyway - a LOT has been going on since i last posted. (which is one reason it's taken me so long - duh) so let's see. momma, poppa and i took our homies gordo and blue on a picnic. it was cool, breezy and beautiful!

my poppa dressed me in some crazy clothes. he says he couldn't find stuff that fit me. i was so embarrassed!

i ate some peas. yum-yum-yum.

i got a swing! man that thing is sooooo cool. craigslist rocks.

i started bathing in the kitchen sink. i prefer to get a better view of my domain while i splash. the tub wasn't cutting it.

meme & pappy came to visit. pappy helped poppa build a deck (well, poppa STILL hasn't finished it. he'll tell you that i have something to do with that - don't believe him for a second! i offered to sit quietly for hours while he worked...) i had a lot of fun with meme - she stayed 'til halloween!

halloween is such a cool thing. you get to dress up and then go walk around with the other kids and you get candy! whoever thought this up is a genius.
i was a punk rock ballerina. that's a custom painted shirt (the banners say punky munch!) and a mohawk!

these are my peeps. ha, no that's not a big peep - that's gracie marie! jayce is the handsome guy in the middle. watch out ladies, he's walking.

can you spot the cherries in this picture?

i needed a short break from the trick-or-treating action. thank goodness there were jack-o-lanterns to look at!

in the end it was great, but man did it wear me out. momma caught me slippin...

and last, but definitely not least (drumroll please) I CAN CRAWL!
-munchy out (whew!)
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