life out here is good

04 July 2006

hold on to your sippy cups!

yep. i got a sippy cup! i'm not so sure about drinking out of it, but i sure like chewing on it.

also this week: i went with mom and pop to the park - i swung on the swing for the first time! the bright yellow chain the seat was hanging from was a lot more interesting than swinging, though. then i slid down the slide. pretty cool. i'll definitely have them take me back. it pooped me out, though, i fell asleep in the backpack poppa was carrying me in! thank goodness the camera had dead batteries or i'm sure my folks would post an embarrassing picture of that.

i had my first professional photo shoot yesterday! the pictures are going to be great. i hope she didn't take any of my bum when i fell asleep, though! ok, gotta run: i'm meeting my photographer to review my proofs over dinner.

-munchy out


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