life out here is good

17 May 2006


smellin' that is. this morning i took a bath in the big tub with momma. (don't tell poppa - he thinks we waste too much water!) warm water, mrs. crab the thermometer, the boogie boardin' turtle and two nekkid ladies. there was splashing a-plenty.

we also took a stroll around the garden. there are lots of things in bloom! my favorite was the variegated hydrangea (or hydragated varigangea, as poppa calls it!)

what's on tap today? momma's working from home. poppa's at work. i'll have lots of milk and several naps. perhaps a jog in the stroller?

i'm also experimenting with this exersaucer thing. not quite sure what i think yet though.


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  • At 5:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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